the memokeeper.

rena oriflamme

Crystal. Mateus. est.
established february, 2024.

a memokeeper that greets you to a world of dreams, offering the promise of a new memory or a cherished memento with her encounters.


she / her.

Recover those cherished recollections and enshrine them in a land of purity. In doing so, all will be preserved from true oblivion.


hello! this is just a forewarning that i am usually pretty shy and introverted to strangers who wish to write with me. please do not take offense to that as i need some time to warm up to others some days and would appreciate some patience with my silly brain as i skip words in some sentences. i am down to make new friends, but please be respectful and chill with me.


you can usually find me in game running around and doing silly stuff with my pals! i also work at the femme fatale during their openings as a healer for any injured fighters. if you see me gposing somewhere, don't be shy and say hi!


i am happy to hang out or write with any new friends as long as it stays SFW (NSFW gore and violence is fine as long as it's discussed beforehand with consent). if you push boundaries or make me upset, i will end our interactions with no warning as i don't tolerate gross behavior. i prefer to write with 21+ peeps who do not blur the IC/OOC line.


i usually match whoever i am writing with and can slow down if need be! there is no requirement or minimum to write with me, i write for fun after all~ i am just happy to write and make new memories with people.


please ask ahead of time if you wish to write with me so we can plan a day and time! i try to keep some days open for certain people or venues that i enjoy working/visiting. as stated, i only RP SFW PG-13 and prefer to keep it that way.


please ask me if you take any photos with my character. i have unfortunately had many people take NSFW photos without my consent and been treated poorly when I expressed my upset. consent is a huge deal to me in every circumstance so please communicate with me before we do any mature/triggering themes!

As fate dictates.

dispersed memories begin to intertwine anew...


A few Memokeepers prefer to covertly penetrate others' thoughts capriciously reshaping their memories, but I harbor no liking for such deeds. Only the recollections that remain untouched by others carry true essence and are treasurable. Anything contrary is just the imposition of another's thought.

basic information. 
name.rena oriflamme.

  race.    veena viera / fox
  guarding deity.     nymeia.
  pronouns.     she / her.
  sexuality.     heterosexual.
  height.     6'1".
  weight.     145 lbs.
  hair color.     brunette with red orange highlights.
  eye color.     ruby.
  skin tone.     fair.
  notable features.     Stretch marks and cellulite. White markings along her body.

  miscellaneous details.     on her left ring finger is a ring of never melting ice from her lover, magza. she also wears silver jewelry on her hands, bangles and rings adorned with stars. her signature choker is a gift from her lover from their first journey in kugane. her nails are usually painted red with astrological symbols designed along the surface.

  job occupation.    memokeeper.
  place of origin.     ivalice | golmore jungle.
  home.    kugane | shirogane
  affiliation.     dreamland | the Vallinaeux family.
  family.     magza (husband) altan and mei (twin children) vunva, emelia and anna (sisters from eruyt village).
  marital status.     engaged / basically married.

  d&d alignment.     Neutral Good.
  mbti.     INFP-T.
  likes.     savory dishes, fashion, music, history, sangria, fresh fruit, memories.
  dislikes.     overly sweet desserts, black market dealers that target young women, unwarranted rudeness, recklessness from those around her.
  virtues.     kindness, bravery, persistence, honesty, loyal.
  flaws.     stubborn, selfish, jealous, petty, greed.

  personality.     a curious and quiet woman that appears as a veena viera to many. she used to struggle to recall her memories of how she ended up in eorzea, only aware of her shapeshifting abilities. with most of her core memories recovered, the memokeeper lays all her cards on the table to those she trusts and offers her assistance to those who seek her out to put their trust in her. once engaged in conversation, rena appears to have a sassy and playful side with teasing at any moment she sees fit.she seems more confident and charismatic while keeping that curious nature about when it comes to traveling. if she feels the need to, she'll be blunt with how she feels about certain matters or people. the viera has an elegant and patient air about her, hearing out the words of those around her to determine her next move from time to time.


rena came out of the deepwood of the golmore jungle, having been exiled by the mothertree for assisting adventurers who venutred into the Orbonne Monastery and seeking adventure outside of the village. her curiosity brought her to the city states of eorzea, seeking out teachers to help her hone her magick and searching for any clues on her beast form. her initial journey to dravania ended with her being dragged off by bangaa hunters, becoming enslaved and attempts to auction her off were made. the viera escaped by accidentally envoking her magic to trap the bangaa in a never ending hallway dream, causing the head of the bangaa hunters to chase after and send out a bounty for her head.rena woke up in the deep shroud of gridania, greeted by a tengu and having no recollection of what happened before. she took a few trips around the city states to seek help with her memories, traveling with a bodyguard across the globe and dealing with her captor in the progress.the viera returned to the lands of dravania with a bodyguard to anyx trine to see if visiting the tower there would help her recall any memories. her memories came back as she recalled meeting with a dragon inside the tower, discussing her genetics to allow her to shift into her large rabbit beast form before being ambushed by the bangaa bounty hunters hunting her for said form. the memory ends with rena being chained away and dragged to a black market in an unknown locale, being auctioned off to those interested in her power.


she has remembered her abilities and role with recent travels triggering her memories, letting the dots connect as to why her bounty is so high. as a memokeeper, she is able to allow people to return to any memories or dreams they wish with consent and her guidance as long as she follows her oath not to interfere in said dimension. however when escaping the bangaa that captured her, she sealed them in a hallway that seemed to never end until they realized it was a dream and woke up. if asked about how she learned such magic, she'll give the bare minimum of detail currently. her former captor chased her and her lover through yanxia, desperate to take control of the memokeeper once more.however, rena would not allow such a thing and murdered her captor during their hostile encounter. the guilt overwhelmed her for a few nights, but she was reminded of her freedom with her lover by her side. she now travels the globe with the mountain, offering her aid and wisdom to any who treat her kindly. the memokeeper has settled in kugane for the most part, starting a future with Magza and birthing two twins before they departed for Tural.what is to come next in the chronicles following the memokeeper? none are sure for now.

headcanon one. rena carries the curse of a beast, a demonic one that feeds on dreams and ambitions to fuel her power through contracts made.headcanon two. despite her magical powers being quite powerful, she's able to heal and mend wounds easily with threadlike magic.headcanon three. during her youth in Golmore Jungle, Rena was the eldest of her siblings and raised them mostly. They weren't related by blood, but she cherished her sisters dearly until she was exiled from the deepwood.headcanon four. after regaining her memories, rena enjoys traveling the globe. especially when she partakes in new cuisine and sights with her lover.

   let us continue our dream.   

As we reunite in this venture, let's hope the fates grant us both what we seek.

social skills★★★★★★★★★☆


  • ability one.dream magic, the ability to create objects from dreams or memories to aid her in any needed way

  • ability two. thread magic, magic that specializes with purple thread to mend injuries and clothing. sometimes used to bind and hold someone in place.

  • ability three. memokeeper's gaze, her perception is hard to ignore as she treats eyes as the sea of the soul. the longer she gazes into your eyes, the more she can piece together about you.

  • ability four. aethersense. she is able to sense the slightest anomaly in the aetherial sea, making it easy to sense any hostile or odd presences near her.

  • ability five. strong aetherpool, a bountiful pool of aether that lets her heal and mend wounds easily. however, it can be drained easily if someone breaks her magic.

  • ability six. rememberence, the memokeeper can help you recall or relive a precious memory should you desire it. however, you won't be able to change the outcome or anything significant to the event.

physical combat.

  • special weapons. a dagger she keeps close, fans that she used to dance with and now uses for combat.

  • special items. a stack of tarot cards infused with her aether, themed around her upbringing and occupation as a memokeepeer.

  • fighting style. a ranged fighter that relies on her dream magic unless close combat is needed. she doesn't fight well in hand to hand combat, having lost a few fights due to her incapability to fight close.

  • physical strength. where her magic excels, her physical strength is below average. despite growing up as a hunter, she preferred a bow and arrows over lances. it's quite easy to overpower her in a match of pure strength.

it's a rare ocassion when rena fights, often keeping her distance from her opponents and unleashing her dream magic. a glassy arm will force it's way out of a tarot card or a thread will wrap around and constrict her opponent in a strong hold. her tenacity shines best in her magical strength.


  • first-aid. as a healer, rena will tend to those in need and cares about their consent to some treatments. she won't push boundaries and will support however she can.

  • seamstress. thread magic makes it quite easy for her to resize or fix up any loose threads on a piece of clothing. she knows how important of a statement an outfit holds.

  • smooth-talker. her words will be sweet and smooth like honey to turn the tide in her favor in some negotiations or situations. a promise of a dream come true or the gentle words that hold the weight of a deadly threat are her favorite ways of talking a conversation to her advantage.

the memokeeper can handle most issues dream related as long as no other dream deity has interfered with the work. she always invites those who need her aid to seek her out, whether in a dream or awake.

Fear not, unless I wipe away your memories,

forgetting me is not an option~

As expected,

your journey began long ago.

hook #1

spotted the memokeeper during a dream or nightmare? perhaps you can catch her in the next one

hook #2

you can catch the memokeeper working as a healer in the femme fatale if you need any wounds or clothes mended

hook #3

she can be seen through the globe with her husband not far from her, her curiosity is hard to stop after all

hook #4

she does have some dealings in criminal business, moreso on delivering and receiving packages. you can ask her to help with any special deliveries!

hook #5

maintaining the records of every member of her beloved crime family is hardwork. recalling their tales is a fun pass time for her.

hook #6

a glutton for new cuisine and recipes, you may spot her in a cafe or restaurant with her husband as she's indulging herself in a new favorite dish.

hook #7

need help with a dream related ordeal? rena can offer her aid as her magic excels in the realm of dreams and nightmares~

hook #8

a tarot card left in your pocket? perhaps the memokeeper has taken an interest in you.. is she looking at you? she seems to be studying you closely

A turn of fate.

Destiny's hand has truly blessed me.

This place holds such fond memories...

Care to reminisce?

Magza Angura.


  summary.     a chance encounter on the steps of ul'dah led to a romantic journey between the mountain and the memokeeper. the two have stuck side by side ever since meeting, being quite affectionate with one another and planning to spend their future together. Rena cherishes every moment with him, her wish is to settle down in the future with Magza and start a family with him.

Wyra Cenmo.


  summary.     after meeting her briefly in the realm of dreams and at a fight club, rena invited wyra to lend her aid with her witchcraft. though hesitant, the puppy warmed up to the memokeeper and expressed interest in what was to come for their partnership.

Xalan Vallinaeux.


  summary.     The Memokeeper had a chance encounter with the Devil and offered her support to his organization. She has taken on the role of administration in his family, ready to help with matters if her help is needed.

Venus Veridian.


  summary.     These two share a sisterly bond, modeling and helping the other with fashion needs. Rena enjoys Venus' chaotic behavior, finding her to be beautiful and enjoys any moment they spend together. Nowadays they work closely together with Venus being her boss and Rena being her right hand.

Agito Malaguld.


  summary.     Despite the few interactions the two have had, Rena hopes to be a supportive friend to Agito and is quite curious about him.

Lokir Austr.


  summary.     Rena cares for Lokir like a younger sibling, sneaking sweet treats and whiskey bottles to him even if she shouldn't. She encourages his antics, finding his presence to be a breath of fresh and fun air.



  summary.     being his boss, the memokeeper has taught Fang how to control some of his aether and offered her guidance on how he can improve in their line of work. she finds his presence interesting and hopes to continue working with him.

Meleda Foxfyre.


  summary.     a client turned confidant through a life changing job. meleda has confided in rena for her aid in dealing with a troublesome trickster auspice and the memokeeper swore to keep the auspice away from her dear friend.

Myr El'ire.


  summary.     despite stolen food gone to waste and biting her fingers, rena hopes to help myr in not getting into trouble. however.. she can't stop him from picking fights or nearly getting hit.

Komorebi Tsundoku.


  summary.     a woman that rena deeply respects due to her presence and work ethic. she appreciates her hardwork and fashion as she finds herself wondering how large that wardrobe is.

character name.


  summary.     summary of your character's relationship with this person here.

character name.


  summary.     summary of your character's relationship with this person here.